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🏃‍♀️A much needed reminder and what makes fast athletes fast?

A much needed reminder

Hey friends! This last week has been much more relaxing because I took my first vacation in THREE YEARS.

I got a text from one of my fellow coaches that said “YOU? A VACATION? DURING FOOTBALL SEASON? ARE YOU OK!?” And though it made me laugh and there’s some truth to it- I always want to make sure I make time for my loved ones. I spent so much of last year traveling for work so it seemed like I was always gone, but this is the first time in three years that I actually took a trip with my family to relax.

I’m not sure how relaxing it was for my co-workers as I was making them run around for me while I was gone lol but it was much needed and I’m grateful for my team for holding it down. As my parents get older it makes me appreciate these moments so much because I never know when the last trip will be. So here’s your reminder… TAKE THAT TRIP WITH YOUR FAMILY!

What makes fast athletes fast

Now most of my time on vacation was spent on a beach or on a hike- I did start a book I’ve been wanting to get into since I finished the 1st book- and that book is Force: The Biomechanics of Sprinting.

I took about 30 pages of notes and annotations on the first book and I’m already getting close to that with the second one. But this book starts off by emphasizing that a lot of the information and education around sprinting nowadays focuses so much on kinematic analysis and less on force production. And that’s what this reading goes on to mention.

Jon Goodwin and Dan Cleather outline some characteristics and data that make fast athletes fast and slower athletes slow:

  1. Acceleration: looking at the change in performance as an athlete goes from stationary to top speed

  2. Constant speed: how does an athlete run at a constant velocity and the differences between trials

  3. Variety of athlete: looking into max velocity capabilities of athletes at different skill levels

It’s difficult to compare fast athletes to slow athletes and draw inferences on performance, and it’s also difficult to compare fast athletes to other fast athletes as different strategies are used individually.

I’m only a few chapters in but the biggest takeaway that these authors want readers to understand is the importance in understanding that force is the cause of changes in movement.

And that our ultimate goal should be to positively influence an athlete’s force production and understand which sprinting variables are modifiable.

Dan Cleather is amazing and I really enjoyed the first book- will keep you guys updated as I continue to learn!

Quote of the week

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” — Steve Jobs

Appreciate y’all,


See you again next week!

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Click the link below to apply 20% off your order with code CICIMURRAY. I’m telling y’all, it has literally changed the tone for my day.